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Sunday, September 27, 2015

My Experience with a Midwife

This past year my aunt got pregnant with her fourth child. The previous three she had all given birth to in the comfort of her own home. Knowing this I also knew that whoever she said was allowed to be in the room with her could be. So over the term of her pregnancy she agreed to let me be in the room to watch my cousin be born! With in-home births there is a person that comes called the midwife. A midwife as defined on dictionary.com is a person trained to assist women in child birth, also known as a registered nurse who furthered her education in the practice of midwifery. Over labor day weekend my aunt went into labor, and my mom and I rushed over to see the baby born. During the birth the midwife was calm, cool, and collected. Her voice stayed low and loving towards my aunt. She begin to tell my aunt when to push and when to breathe. She knew exactly what she was doing and how to do it. When the baby was born she had my aunt hold him close to keep his body temperature at a good point. After she knew the baby was breathing and able, she laid him out to measure, weigh, and check out his over all physical appearance. I was amazed at how smart the midwife was, she even could tell he was healthy by the color of the babies skin. The way she stayed so calm throughout the whole process made me want to be just like that. I am very blessed to have had this opportunity!
Kyra T.


  1. This is a super cool experience and I've always wondered how at-home births worked! Mid-wifes sound like they have to be extremely educated and professional about what they are doing. That sounds like it would be the perfect job for a person that is very patient and calm in stressful situations.

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