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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Prepared for Disaster?

After natural and unnatural disasters that send people into chaos, we want to be better prepared for the next one. For a better example, after hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast nurses and other aids created disaster plans. Businessdictionary.com defines a disaster plans as systematic procedures that clearly detail what needs to be done, how, when, and by whom before and after the time an anticipated disastrous event occurs. Surprisingly one of the first things they asked the nurses to do was rest, without proper rest they can't think straight. After proper rest they were put straight to work, working with many patients to one nurse. Nurses help with Katrina showed the public the importance of nurses, and proved that they are more valuable than the public once thought. There has been many policies made since Katrina and other disasters have happened. Along with disaster plans, there are disaster preparation rules and regulations.

In case of any emergency within the hospital, the nurses are trained for mostly any possible problem or disaster. The reason they go through nursing school is to prepare them for anything that comes their way. If it is something new they are facing, nurses are very passionate, caring, and smart people who know how to take action when need be. If you want to read more about nurses and their preparedness policy go to this link. http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/Policy-Advocacy/Positions-and-Resolutions/Issue-Briefs/Disaster-Preparedness.pdf

I believe it is a really good thing to be prepared for everything, especially as a nurse. It is good that there is many plans and precautions for when disaster strikes.
Kyra T.
Sources: "Katrina's Chaos Teaches Powerful Lessons about Disaster Prep." News. N.p., 01 Sept. 2015. Web. 06 Oct. 2015

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