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Monday, November 2, 2015

Ebola Nurse: Pauline Cafferkey

Pauline Cafferkey is an Ebola nurse who was infected with the virus and then was supposedly "cured." Ebola is an infectious and general fatal disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body fluids. She was infected in winter 2014, it was believed she caught the virus from wearing a visor instead of goggles because they did not fit right. "Justin Forsyth, chief executive of Save the Children, said Cafferkey was "a dedicated humanitarian who worked tirelessly and selflessly in the fight against Ebola" and that they could never be 100% sure how she became infected. The panel had found that procedure and equipment at Kerry Town were safe, but "where STC-approved protocols may not have been followed, or where prescribed equipment was not used, they weren't picked up immediately and therefore action might not have been taken quickly to correct the" (Boseley).

Pauline was supposedly cured from Ebola and was back to living a normal life. When she relapsed she was considered to be critically ill, but after awhile they changed that label to "stable but serious."

This is the workers transporting Pauline to a safe, quarantined place.

I thought this was a good story to tell to show how nurse's put there lives on the line for their patients.   Pauline was just trying to help the more than 10,000 patients who are suffering from Ebola. To me, my life is worth putting in danger to save others. I think most nurses would agree as well.
Kyra T.

Cheng, Maria "U.K. Suffers Rare Case of Ebola Relapse." Huffintonpost. Huffingtonpost.com, Inc, 2015. Web. 2 Nov. 2015
Boseley, Sarah. "Ebola Nurse Pauline Cafferkey Became Infected after Using Visor, Report Says." Theguardian. Guardian News, 2015. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.

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